So, LJ kept telling me that it is our lovely Mistress Moderator of the Temple Comm's birthday tomorrow.
Hai thar, laurelindorenae I got you a present! Because it gave me an excuse to play with nekkid!Father Rahl to make the voices stop I'm nice like that.
So Darklings, in the hope of starting a new darkendestinies cracky!tradition (that just so happens to be inspired by sword_of_lies ).
I am sorry that it has taken this long to post these; every time I tried to post the captures, either my computer would crash or I would run out of time. I apologized.
*violent twitch* I'm going to try this again. I've already uploaded these but the window closed. Go figure.
Here's the caps for the first appearance of Darken Rahl. I had issues finding this scene, sandwiched in the middle of another, which is why I capped the end of the episode first.